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Business, Education, Arts (Fine), Culinary, and Human Services careers are represented in the BEACH Academy. These students believe in the motto “Learning through serving,” and are interested in careers that involve different levels of service. Students in the BEACH Academy are both auditory and visual learners.

Learning Through Serving

The Beach Academy prepares students for professions and industries that work with people. We are a diverse learning community, featuring people who enjoy learning not just through our heads, but through our hearts and our hands. We embody the creativity of the artist, the compassion of doctors and teachers, the innovation of the entrepreneur, and the service of the police officer.

Empowered to Serve

BEACH strives to produce empowered adults who serve their communities through their professions. The BEACH Academy unites the skills and experiences of students to provide services to others in their future endeavors in either a certified working career or a college connected career.

BEACH Teacher

Jana Shuey

“When students find something they are interested in and get excited about learning more it is so rewarding.”

Career Academy Student

Mathew Zitek

“The Career Academies at Plattsmouth High school have opened up endless opportunities for me to explore my interests from welding and wood working to math and science, making me excited to learn and find what’s around the next corner.”

Career Academy Parent

Michelle Moore

"Through the Career Academies, our son is taking advantage of a local internship. The opportunity to experience his potential career choice has proven to be fun and educational for him."

Mrs. Monica Olsen

BEACH Academy Leader

Mrs. Olsen has been teaching Spanish at Plattsmouth High School for 12 years. She graduated from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree in Sociology. While completing her certification to teach Spanish, she also earned a Master of Arts in Education from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. This has additionally qualified Mrs. Olsen to teach the Intro to Education course for prospective educators that is a part of the Education pathway in the Beach Academy.